Advanced Piano Training: For Your Music Voice to Shine!


This program is for those who are serious about their piano playing and want to go deeper. They will study advanced piano technique and skills, as well as will be guided in the winning repertoire.

advanced piano training

Piano Academy

Piano Academy is aimed at shaping and developing a musically-inclined person and helping them achieve the next level of artistry. This comprehensive and holistic training focuses on various components that enhance piano instruction. Students learn music theory and history, chorus singing, world-class piano technique, musicality, and performance skills in a festival atmosphere all year round. 

This program includes character development, strategic  planning, goal setting and teamwork.

advanced piano training

Quality Made Affordable

The Academy is a year-long commitment. During the academic year, students meet two or three times a week for lessons and classes that include music theory and history, ear-training, chorus, studio class, recitals,  and ensembles. Students get ample opportunities to perform in various settings and for various audiences. 

Academy learning  is a leveled instruction designed for beginning, intermediate, and advanced students. Students work individually and in groups. Scholarships are available for qualifying families.

a young boy playing a piano at a recital

“Just getting back into lessons after being away from it for way too long. I also remember being asked if I had a "dream" piece. You bet. Chopin's Nocturne, Opus 9, No. 2 in Eb major. There are many others of course, but this one captures me. For now, this eludes me, and for good reason. Have to learn to crawl before one can walk. Of course, there are also all those marvelous ragtime pieces by Scott Joplin. I have much work to do.”


“…I am ever so grateful to you for making possible my having the experience of instruction from a true master… I’ve been listening to him play the Grieg Concerto in A Minor on YouTube.  Phenomenal!! Thank you again & looking forward to my next lesson!”

decorative quotation mark to help highlight a testimonial



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Music for Young Kids

This program is an early-childhood music education method that incorporates Conservatory repertoire.


Foundational Piano

This program offers supplementary piano education and teaches general piano skills. For ages 3-80+.


Career & Competition

Individualized instruction helps students prepare for national and international piano competitions.